It’s Only Da ‘Roids

Any large class of organic compounds with a characteristic molecular structure containing four rings of carbon atoms (three six-membered and one five). They include many hormones, alkaloids and vitamins.

Say what?
The above, I imagine after choosing a life of easy culture and civil service instead of biochemistry, is a fairly crude definition of a steroid. I do not know the molecular compounds of steroids. Why would I? Nor do I know the specifics of the steroid I have come to loathe called Dexamethasone. All I know is that the above description of a steroid fails, quite dramatically to encompass the sheer power of a drug I have been taking on and off for five years, and for that whole period of time, has been routinely been kicking me in the guts. 
Forget about the mood swings it creates, the changes to my body in the form of weight gain and facial hair have hardly made me a catch. I think the Myeloma already put paid to the romance, but the steroid beard certainly helped irradiate any of my sexual allure. You should have seen my steroid beard yesterday. It was particularly impressive yesterday because it lay in a bed of brace induced dry skin.
My quick Google search makes them sound so innocent. I know some steroids are innocent, but ever since I watched an episode of California Dreamin’ where Tiffany became addicted to steroids to enhance her volleyball performance, I have known there are something to be wary of. And wary I have been. 
Of Dexamethasone, the Internet describes it as a medicine and ‘a synthetic drug of corticosteroids type, used especially as an anti-inflammatory agent’. I’m not going to begin to understand what that means, but I will say that previous experience has proven that it is a remarkably good ‘anti-inflammatory agent’. 

Whilst we are on the subject of uses, I do not know, as this blog should clearly indicate, why I take this drug so routinely. Every Myeloma treatment is supported by steroids. Every treatment. I think I understand why I am talking it now, but why Dexamethasone supports pretty much all the myeloma treatment I have ever been on, the reason is anybody’s time to research. In light of my ignorance, I thought the least I could do was to investigate the list of known side effects. If you had asked me what these were two months ago, I would have answered without hesitation. Now? Since I started my new regimen however, the steroids have me feeling all out of kilter.
For the last three-four weeks, it would be fair to say that I do not recognise myself whilst on Dexamethasone. It should currently be called the ‘I’m Sorry’ drug, because I constantly seem to be apologising as a result of my behaviour whilst on them.
According to Wikipedia the side effects of Dexamethasome can include acne, insnomnia, vertigo, increased appetite, weight gain, impaired skin healing, depression, euphoria, hypertension, increased risk of infection, raised intraocular pressure, vomiting, dsyspepsia, confusion, amnesia, irritability, nausea, malaise, headaches and cataract. So, nothing big then?
In five years, I can say without hesitation that steroids are hard on the body. I have personally experienced at least nine of the listed side effects. They have always been hard on my body. Wikipedia’s list failed to list my once biggest problem with the stuff and that’s the fatigue. The inevitable crash after the fall. And it was always inevitable until I started my current treatment. Gone are the three days of sleep after taking a dose. I suppose I should be thankful for that at least. Unfortunately, they still leave my mouth tasting like gone off milk stored for 100 years in a rusty tin can. For me, this means I can’t drink water because it just extends the taste of rotten milk tin.
Why on earth are you telling us all of this, Emma?
Since I started taking it again, my relationship with Dex has changed, and the difference this has made in me is significant. It feels personality altering. 
I really did think I knew how to handle taking my steroids. If it made me stay up all night, I would stay up all night. Beards can be waxed or threaded. Crashes can be slept through with a bit of help from Julie Andrews.
Fast forward to now, and my reaction to the steroids feels extraordinarily different. Gone are the sleepless night. Gone is the excessive hunger. In, well, in is uncontrollable anger and tears. Lots and lots of them at the click of a finger.
Approximately 80mg of Dexamethasone a week, is making me into a quivering, worrying mess. I believe I was once stoic, but at the moment, I cry daily. I may cry when I am taken out of my brace because I irrationally worry that something will go wrong. I cry when I get out of the brace because it’s a restrictive torture device, and I do not wish to be restricted anymore. I cry on other occasions too; I cry because I fear the brace is not going to work and I’m terrified of having to wear it for longer than the six weeks I have remaining. I cry because the brace makes me feel lonely and I probably cry because I worry I am going to die. 
To be honest, given how alien my current circumstances are, I do not think I need a reason to cry. I just know that it is happening far too easily, far too often and the fault lies with the steroids. I can feel the anger and the pain boil up inside me, and nothing, and I mean nothing is going to stop me once it starts.
Uncontrollable tears isn’t my only new side effect, for the first time in five years, I can honestly say that I have now seen ‘roid rage. I am so quick to anger, there are times when I just want to scream and break things. There are times when I imagine myself breaking everything I own. There is no rhyme or reason to it, except, I expect, the steroids are bringing out all the anger I have about my current situation.
Just last week, I shocked myself with my behaviour twice whilst in the hospital. The first time I saw red was when I was stuck in bed desperate for the toilet, without my brace to mobilise. To paint the clearest picture, this scenario is my worst nightmare. You’d never catch me using a She-wee or peeing out doors; I’m just not that kind of girl. I have never been a public pee-er nor am I a good bed pan candidate due to the need sit on it with my crooked spin, big bum knowing that I have no privacy in a hospital bedroom. 
So there I was, in bed with a full bladder, in agony, asking some Medically Trained People for help. For anything that did not involve peeing in or near my bed. They clearly did not understand me, because they suggested a ‘pad’, which turned out to be a giant nappy. I can and did humiliate myself in several ways in hospital, but a nappy was pushing it too far. Way too far. 
My response to the nappy went something like this “I ask you for help and you bring me a fucking nappy? A nappy? I’m 33 years old, did you not consider how that would make me feel?” I was met with silence and blank faces, so through my tears, I went on. “If anybody would have been bothered to read my notes this morning you would have known that I should have been braced and allowed to go to the toilet at 7.30am, but it’s just typical of this ward that this did not happen. Get the fuck out of my room. Get the fuck out of my room and take the fucking nappies with you.”
And then I wet the bed. 
I apologised a lot that day. I am many things, but somebody who talks to Medically Trained People (or any people) like that, is not me. I was utterly ashamed of myself, but I could not stop myself either.
A few nights later, I had done some quality time in my brace. By ‘quality’, I mean at last 12 hours. By 21.30hrs, I had decided it was time to get into my bed and time for my breakthrough pain relief, so I pressed my bell. A nursing assistant attended, turned off my alarm and told me my nurse was busy. I waited 20 minutes, and I pressed the button again. The same thing happened again, but this time I explained the level of pain I was in. 30 minutes later, there was still not sign of my nurse and once again my alarm was turned off. By 22.45hrs, I was in so much pain and felt so completely helpless, I opened my bedroom door and slammed it. The satisfaction I gained from slamming the door was so great, I did it again. And then again. And yet still nobody came. After some more bell ringing and door slamming, at 23.30hrs, I finally came face to face with a nurse. Obviously, she was not my nurse and couldn’t help me, but she was a nurse who told me I could not possibly have been ringing my bell for two hours. I corrected her.
A few minutes later, I met my nurse for the night, who explained that she had been with a ‘poorly patient’. That was it for me, if it suited the situation, I would have gone back to slamming the door, but instead I told her that by telling me she had been with a poorly patient, she made me feel like I was insignificant and my illness was a mere annoyance in comparison. She then started talking to me in a very soft voice, to which I responded “where in my notes does it say I had a lobotomy or that I am stupid? Please do not talk to me that way”. 
So… I had to apologise again in the morning. My little outbursts become so frequent that I was regularly being visit by the Sisters to talk through my ‘issues’. Steroids were my issues.
I thought my episodes may have died down once discharged and in the comfort of my home. I was wrong. I’m still very quick to snap and I am convinced people are not listening to me or at least they don’t understand me, which is just as likely to get me to clench my fist.
A few nights ago, I was frustrated that I could not sleep and I suppose, being trapped in a bed did not help the situation either. So, like any other sane person on steroids, I used my grabber to pick all the DVDs (yes I still have DVDs) off a shelf above my bed and then once I had them, I threw them as hard as I could across my room whilst screaming and crying. I don’t know what had made me so angry (well I do, it was the steroids) in that moment, all I knew was I had to throw and scream as much as I could because that was the only thing that was going to make me feel any better. I suppose it’s better than resorting to physical violence, not that I am a particularly worthy opponent at the moment. In the end, I woke up Mamma Jones and she had to come and calm me down. 
I have listed some pretty shameful behaviour, behaviour that far outweighs the late night steroid induced internet shopping of old. In my current state, there does not have to be a catalyst to one of my fits. Yesterday, I just cried because I was scared. My point is, I am constantly trying to decipher what is a true emotion and what is a steroid emotion. My fear is that the two are interlinked and for the moment, I can only show my frustrations through the steroids.
It makes me want to avoid people. I snapped at Housemate last week because I felt he was not listening to me. My ‘roid rage scares me. I need friends when I get out of this brace, otherwise I could have saved £500 off my prepaid funeral. To be clear, I need friends for more than just filling seats at my funeral. I just fear that my current state will drive people away, even if it’s caused by the steroids.
It feels relentless. 
I’m not jovial. I’m not even sure when the last time I laughed was, although the brace can be blamed for that. It restricts my mouth.
P.S. I cannot think of steroids without thinking of the sign my friend made for me all the way back in 2012, that states ‘It’ Only Da ‘Roids’. She’s literate by the way, I think the use of ‘da’ was designed to make me smile. It’s a thought I hold close. Through tears, shouting, late night shopping and whatever else it throws at me; steroids are not my controller. 
Myeloma is. I’m just not entirely sure how that helps me right now…

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Six Weeks

It’s been two months since I last published a blog and let me tell you this, it has been quite the two months. After having this wretched disease for over five years, I thought little would surprise me. Well, I expected the whole looming death part to have a different trajectory to the routine I am used to, but as I said, I expected that to be slightly different. I never considered what the steps will look like getting from the relapse stage , to the end of the line stage. I always assumed it’d be easy but increasingly, I feel I might have been far too optimistic.
Somehow, in five years, I had settled into an uneasy routine with My Myeloma. It’s quite simple really, I would have some sort of treatment, which would work for a bit, then it would fail, then the Medically Trained People would somehow magic up another treatment for me to start, and thus the cycle would start again. 
I had five years of this. Don’t get me wrong, some horrible things happened along the way; it shouldn’t make the list, but losing my hair is still up there in the shitty events. I didn’t really enjoy any of my transplants and I definitely did not enjoy the time I had to spend five days in St Bart’s because I caught Influenza B. On the plus side, I thoroughly appreciated any drug regime that could be taken at home. I had a few of those.
What am I saying, all of that is in the past? If the last two months have taught me anything, and I am still trying to decipher exactly what further lessons I needed to learn by the age of 33 about my cancer, is, that Myeloma is a load of fucking shit that if there were a hell, it should be confined to purgatory trapped under a full, infected bed pan, never to bother nice (even horrible) individuals again. Oh yes, just to keep you up to date, I have also learnt about bed pans recently. And sick bowls. And those cardboard things that collect one’s waste by resting on the loo seat. I know it all.
On 7th September, I returned to UCLH for a clinic appointment. Prior to that I had found out that the trial at St Bart’s was no longer working and I had been experiencing what can only be described as extreme and unbearable pain that I had blamed on doing too much on holiday. The pain itself was predominantly in and around my right rib cage. 
As I had self diagnosed every relapse since 2012, I had spent about a month begging for some imaging. St Bart’s took no action, I would question if the staff knew my name, but thankfully UCLH did know my name and once they had the necessary images, man, did they take action.
I was admitted to UCLH immediately on the 7th September following an appointment, during which my family and I were told we were coming to the end of the line of treatment. Not only that, but there was also something wrong with my neck. I say ‘something’ because I think it took me well over a week to get my head round what a compression on one of the C vertebrae meant. I don’t recommend it. I don’t recommend developing a mass that pushes through your rib cage either, Alien (or at least that’s how I like to picture it) style. It cannot be sugarcoated. I entered that hospital with Mamma Jones and Big Sister in a bad way. 

And that bad way only worsened over the next six, that’s right, SIX weeks…

I don’t even know where to start. If you are independent, like to toilet alone and enjoy walking around, I’d say what followed would be your worst nightmare. It was mine. 

You may have deduced that not all was or is well with my spine. Due to the compression and the location of it, I arrived at my bed to be told that I was no longer permitted to walk. As in, no walking at all. Not only was I not allowed to walk but if I wanted or needed to be moved in my bed, I would have to be rolled by four Medically Trained People. My head and neck, could not be elevated anymore than 30 degrees. Three weeks later, this changed to 40 degrees and the news that I could roll myself, but by this point, the damage to my ego had already been done. Not to mention the damage to my legs for not walking for three weeks.
Despite being in denial about it, shitting is a necessity that eventually cannot be avoided. The day I could not avoid it was Day 11 in hospital when there were only male nurses available. I’m a 21st Century Woman, so I went ahead and let the team of four roll me onto a bed pan. I did not say anything when they had to roll me again to clean my bum. Nor did I say anything the next day, during one of my five daily bedsore checks, when a different Medically Trained person discovered a lump of faeces stuck in my bottom from the previous day. 

That was a low point.
Washing myself alone, was and remains impossible and for the duration of my stay, washes were restricted to hand towel baths in my hospital bed. If I was lucky, the Medically Trained Person cleaning my nether regions might have even shut the window to my room for some privacy. Due to staff shortages, during the last week of my stay, no washes were offered and I went a week without being cleaned. Needless to say, washing hair is extremely difficult and something that has happened twice between the 7 September and now.
Thankfully, due to what I like to call ‘performance issues’ I was given a catheter for the first three-four weeks of my stay. After that, I relied on my good old pelvic floor muscles to stop me from soiling myself. How can that be when you cannot walk, I hear you ponder? The answer is long, boring, excrutiatingly painful and another blog post. In the interim however, you just need to know that I have a full back brace, handcrafted to fit my body and imagined perter boobs, which I am allowed to wear to mobilise. 

This really is a story of never ending gibberish. Maybe grab a cup of tea. Have a wee break. I’d have one with you but my mouth is currently tainted by the delectable taste of 60 mg of steroids per week, so I am only able to stomach the taste of fruit juice. 

Where was I? Right, my health. In addition to the bony stuff, the really smart Medically Trained People had to find out what was wrong with me and if there was anything that could be done about it. This period felt like it would never end, with the feedback I was getting changing nearly everyday. I’m not going to regurgitate all of it, just trust me when I say it was very confusing and everyday resulted in me hysterically crying and Big Sister getting angry. 
I lost count of how many CTs, MRIs, ultrasounds and x-rays I had, but I know it was a lot. It was not uncommon to be collected by the porters, without any clue where I was going or why. I knew where they were taking me on week one, when I had five fractions of radiotherapy to heal my ribs, but as for the rest, it was not like I was in the strongest position to argue or question. I simply did.
Things went downhill relatively quickly. By Day 4 I had tested positive for Paraflu, which gave me a chest infection and resulted in me being relocated to an isolated room on a ward where the staff are nice, but significantly understaffed. One night, I rang my bell for 2.5 hours before I saw a nurse. On the plus side, it meant that I had my own room with a nice view over London. A bonus when you consider the fact that the woman opposite me on the shared ward addressed me as ‘Emily’ and wished me well. 
The hardest part of having the lurgy was that I did not see somebody without a mask on for five weeks. Talk about dehumanised. 
The chest infection persisted, so for extra buoyancy, I also developed sickness and diarrhoea and a temperature. It was lush. 

Notice how I am yet to mention My Myeloma? There’s a reason. My Myeloma failed to behave in the manner of which I have become accustomed. For the first time since I was diagnosed with the wretched beast, I was afraid of it. It wasn’t behaving how I have known it to behave. My paraprotein was the highest it had ever been, and no matter what drugs were tried or the volume of fluid pumped into me, my calcium would not shift below 3.0.

And still I carried on. It may be the biggest test of my willpower and personal strength (because I really have no meaningful life until I am rid of the brace), but I unequivocally told the Medically Trained People that I am not ready to give up with my life yet. As long as the treatment maintains a reasonable balance between quality of life and those dastardly side effects, count me in. Sign me up.

I’m not ready to die yet.

Unfortunately, we soon ended up spending some time thinking about my death. I completed my will and paid for my funeral. Once I was fortunate enough to be on a reasonable treatment regimen, I suffered from what I now believe to be called an Acute Kidney Injury. At the time, it was badged as something far graver than that. I cried for what felt like days. I got so angry with My Myeloma, I told it I hated it. I begged for a reprieve, identifying many people other than myself who deserved the award for ‘Most Deserved Recipient Of The Most Stubborn Myeloma in This Fair Land.’ I really am not saying that other people deserve this illness; I was just surprised to learn that I had not come to terms with the fact I have it. Death seemed so much closer than before I walked into clinic on the 7th September. I don’t know when it will come and that’s the scariest part. How long is my piece of string?
My need for tears grew when I was taken off my morphine, which I had taken in slow release form everyday for five years. There were nightmares and ticks, to accompany my sickness and diarrhoea. I won’t lie; it was a tough, sleepless few days.
Do not fear, I will not prolong this anymore than I need to. They require near constant testing, but for the moment, my kidneys are behaving. It took a week or so for them to turn around. For how long they’ll stay in this state, only time will tell…

Six weeks after I entered UCLH, on 19 October, after a lot of pushing from my family, I was discharged. Gone were the at least daily bloods, out with the cannula resulting in the constant beeping of unanswered alarms. Goodbye to the four hourly observations, even at 3am. Welcome to sudden and ill prepared loneliness with an absent of nurses. So long institutionalised regime. Hello privacy. After six weeks, I am to fend for myself once more. 
Just between us friends; It’s fucking terrifying.

The view from my hospital window

P.S. New treatment regime (Velcade twice weekly for three weeks;20mg Dexamethasone the day before, of and after Velcade; Veneoclax eight pills daily

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It’s Supposed To Be A Marathon Not A Sprint

The month of August is the one month where I am guarenteed to feel nostalgic about my life pre and post My Myeloma. I might have such thoughts at other times of the year, but these usually occur when I am in some sort of drug and/of fear induced melancholy. August however, is different and this August has been more so.

August marks the anniversary of my diagnosis, my Cancerversary if you will. This year it was my five years Cancerversary. Not only do I get warm and bleak feelings about my once able body in the run up to my diagnosis. I am reminded of the stats. I am reminded of the stats I was told on the 21 August that I was then quickly told to forget about. ‘Survival rate is about 10 years, but this may be different for you because of your age’. I have had other stats thrown at me in the five years since, usually at the start of each treatment and with each treatment, My Body has come up wanting. 

There are several important dates in August; admittance to UCLH on the 14th,preliminary diagnosis on the 17th, formal diagnosis on 21st, kyphoplasty on the 24th and treatment commencing on 28th; each are packed full of memories.  This summer, I have found the memories on these dates amplified. Maybe it is something about five years and the fact that anniversaries are usually celebrated in fives. Maybe it is because I have felt my current treatment fail leading to the constant whirl of long forgotten stats and the big question that is , will I make it to the next big anniversary? Try as I might, I cannot forget about this. I even struggle to schedule a brain appointment for it, so I can lock it away again until the next scheduled appointment; my usual coping mechanism.

Every year since the cement was inserted into my L4, I have had to complete a survey about my health. What is that but a ticking clock counting down to… something? This year, the Medically Trained Person at the end of the phone said to me ‘don’t worry, next year is the last year we have to do this’. I responded, quite seriously with ‘good, that gives me something to aim towards. I hope I get to speak to you next year’. 

Some people may call these thoughts unhelpful and morbid, but I call them realistic. To me, not talking about my death, doesn’t make the chance of it less so. Avoiding such talk just makes me feel more isolated than my body is currently making me. I’m do not feel in anyway ready to kick that bucket, but I am realistic to the fact that in the five years I have had myeloma, I have had three failed transplants, multiple failed treatments and two, yes TWO failed trials. Yesterday, I was informed what my aching back had been telling me for weeks, that the Daratumamab trial had failed. I was taken off it immediately, and today I shall return to my home from home of UCLH, with the hope that they can pull something else out of the hat.

I think the fact that it was August has made me hypersensitive to any changes in my body, because those changes mirrored to some extent what I felt all the way back in the Summer of 2012. August 2017 is not the first time I have been made bedbound with a sore back. The difference now is that I know what is causing my sore back now, but I do not know the extent of the whys it if the damage is permanent. Nor is it the first time I have had high calcium, as I was told I had a fortnight ago. I was admitted to hospital in 2012 with high calcium. I have a constant sense of  déjà vu, mostly concentrated in my belly of worry. The difference? I no longer have the naivety and hope I had at the end of August 2012 that carried me along for years. 

Today, I feel like my chances of survival are dwindling. 
Three weeks ago, I turned on my television to find what the BBC were billing as a second Super Saturday. I had tuned into the athletics and believe it or not, a sporting even where people are at the peak of their physical fitness reminds me that I am not. As strange as it sounds, I feel like my diagnosis and thus My Myeloma by default is intertwined with the recent history of the sport. 

During the first fortnight of August 2012, I, like most of the country was glued to the London 2012 Olympics. I was sick at this point, but I did not know why. I recall Mamma Jones telling me on Day 1 of the Olympics that I looked grey and weak. I didn’t believe her, all I knew then was that I had a never experienced pain in my back before and that my GP could not diagnose it. Whilst I was waiting for an answer, I was prescribed a pain medication that made me slur, which led to me being signed off work. Well, removed against my will  from the office. So, I got to spend a fortnight, unable to move from my sofa (it wasn’t a sofa then but a really uncomfortable futon not suitable for grown ups), watching the fittest of the fittest take each other on in a myriad of activities. My memories of this time are fond ones. The irony that I was so enthralled by a sporting event pitched as the ultimate sporting event, whilst I was physically deteriorating day by day, does not escape me. The sane feelings emerged during the Paralympics, only with these games, I had the added jealousy of hearing how these athletes had managed to overcome adversity to be there. 

By the time the next Olympics and Paralympics rolled round last year, I knew that I was once again hooked. Watching as many events as possible was akin to torture but a torture I had welcomed. The athletes wept and I wept. I wept because I felt their pain. I wept because I knew that I was long past the point of ever being able to run anywhere let alone complete  a marathon. I wept because I knew I could not jump over a hurdle and I wept because I would never being able to learn to ride a bicycle around the corner let alone a Velodrome. When the games ended, I wept because I feared that I would not be alive for the next games in 2020. A feeling based on my then trajectory and not depression.

And so, with this year’s World Athletic Chanpionships being held in London, I was engulfed with myeloma based emotions once again. They have statistics too. For all the trying and all the rules I imposed on myself, this month had me thinking about my stats.

 I cannot help to being a different person now to the person I was when I was diagnosed in 2012. 

As scary as all the stats were back then, like I said earlier, I was naive to what they meant or could mean. I thought and hoped that I was told to pay no attention because I was going to be the medical marvel who could withstand every drug thrown at me and survive. I thought remission was a distinct years plus possibility. I believed I had many days ahead of living in me.  Now, in 2017, I think the stats have been long thrown out of the window and the best I can hope for is to exist day by day and try to fit some living, when my body allows, in there too.

There are moments in time when I feel tremendous guilt in how, after just five years, I could end up here. Should I not be pre-paying for my funeral? Is getting a will a sign of giving up rather than an act of mere financial sense. I know my nearest and dearest loathe me talking about the possibility of my death, and now I fear that  these once in a blue mood chats, honest chats, have tipped my hand. I hope not, and if push came to shove, I believe not, and yet I still have moments when I feel guiltily that I may have jinxed myself. Perhaps this is how a favourite athlete feels when the bomb out in the semi finals… 

I know in regard to my treatment that I  done everything I was supposed to do. More open to discussion is how I have mentally got through the last five years, but with regularly counselling sessions and honesty, I personally believe that I have done everything in my power to not be in the medical position I am in today. I renewed my latest cinema memberships by direct debit, not for the financial benefits but because I wanted to commit to being a member next year. For all years. Last week, I spent far too much money on bedding and other soft furnishings, and I spent that amount of money because I want to believe that I will need said bedding for a long time to come. A fortnight before that, I invested in a limited edition backpack, not just because I liked it, but because I needed something of good quality for all my future visits to the hospital. I have more examples, but essentially, I do things to show I am not ready to die. 

My treatment has failed. Again. As of March, I had exhausted traditional myeloma treatments. That’s a lot to take in and let’s face it, these are odds never in my favour. That was a failed attempt to  shoehorn a film quote into my blog, the odds are not in my favour. 

I was supposed to have at least ten years; the marathon. Five years might not exactly be the 100 metre sprint, but it’s no marathon. I want the marathon.

Let’s see what is offered to me today. Who knows, I might be reinstated.


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Trial By Error? 

It has been a mere 16 weeks since I started my trial, which now consists of fortnightly doses of Daratumamab, steroids and an antihistamine. 

I say ‘mere’ in an attempt to justify the fact that there have been no blogs for nearly that entire period. On the one hand, mere sums it up nicely. The weeks and the doses have flown by and I have nothing to show for it. Looking back on it now, I feel like hardly any time has passed at all. 

On the other hand, I am telling major porkies, for there have been several periods during the last 16 weeks where I would have described the trial as relentlessy slow,  frustrating and exhausting. Perhaps if I shared these feelings with you at the time, I would made things just that little bit easier for me. I could have had mini data dumps on you and off loaded. I was just too tired to put words to keypad.

There is another reason too, one which came into my head only yesterday. On this trial, I am always waiting for something. Waiting for a result, waiting for a clinic appointment, waiting to see how I feel, waiting for a development. Waiting for something that gives me some sort of conclusion to these short stories about my life that I have decided to share with you. The conclusions have not come.  Thus, this has made me feel like any recent story I had to tell about my treatment (or anything else for that matter) would be incomplete. It worried that it would be more of a whinge about how much of my life is about waiting for something to happen with my treatment. At times, it feels like I am waiting for everything. I do not wish to come across that way. I like to think I am realistically positive, but can that be interpreted through my writing when my brain feels less able than it was when I started it. 

I like a story with a beginning, middle and and end, featuring as little ambiguity as possible. Don’t get me wrong, I do not need to be spoon fed (drugs permitting) and I can withstand the test of endurance that is a modern day Terrence Malick film, or in fact any film that is described by a film critic as ‘meditative’ but personally, I prefer just a little bit more clarity. And my life of late has been left severely wanting in that area.
So, here I am. There is no end to this story. All I can say to you is that I am not dead. Not yet. To those of you who were concerned that I may have passed to the other side, I thank you for thinking of me and for worrying about my absence. I am back. It does seem like a lot is going on at the moment, so I will have many a half finished tale to tell you. Fingers crossed.

Yesterday, the 17 August, marked my five year cancer anniversary. It was a loaded day. There is so much to remember about this period, and Daratumamab accounts for just 5% of the five years. You would think that I would know by now that I rarely get an end to my stories. Only occasionally have I been able to announce an end; the end of a chapter, or an end of volume have been my particular favourites. In reality, I know I should just face the facts that my life from now is ongoing, until it stops. And thus, I have no excuse to not share what is going on with you. You are, after all my cancer diary. 

Getting back to The Daratumamab, the one thing I do know, is that it has not been easy nor straight forward. Has any of my treatments? 

I flew into this treatment after a week’s radiotherapy and two weeks after I had received some very bad news. I was shell shocked and exhausted. I started the treated not knowing what it was and without fully understanding what the aim of the treatment is. I still don’t know and this is because every time it is explained to me, my painkillers kick in and my brain floats off into NeverNever Land.  I just know that being on the trial far outweighs the alternative of not, and for now, that’s okay with me. 

If I have learnt anything important since I started on the Daratumamab, besides from how to pronounce it, it’s that being on the trial is better than not being on it. It may be lonely, my body may be being used as a corporate guinea pig, but I don’t care. I am happy I am on the trial. Scratch that, I am grateful to be on the trial and everthing it encompasses far outweighs the negatives of being on a trial. The negatives by the way, are several, but in the grand scheme of my life, I can live with them. 

It would be really nice if I were now to talk you through each of my treatments. To build up a narrative, and to get you to feel even a little bit of what I feel every time I enter St Bartholomew’s Hospital and the times I am not there, lying in my bed thinking about it. That’s an awful lot of visits to go through and my short term memory is highly questionable, so I am not going to do that. Maybe I will one day. Maybe I will today. Right now however, I’m going to jump straight into what I assume you want to know and that is, how am I doing? 

How am I doing? 

Medically, I had to wait a long time for that to be answered. Two weeks ago, I did have an answer, but as of yesterday, I am right back into the Land of Worry, led by the President of Anxiety with her Cabinet of the Unknown. 

I did not have a clinic appointment for the first two cycles, which for cyber attack reasons, was nine weeks. Before that, I faithfully went in for my treatment each week, without knowing if the trial was doing anything. I went through various emotions during this period and in the end, I had decided that I would prefer to not have clinic appointments and only be informed if something bad was happening. Unfortunately, I didn’t actually tell any Medically Trained People this, so when I was telephoned on a Friday afternoon to say that I had to see The Big Prof on the following Monday morning, great panic ensued. Why now, I thought? Why with the greatest of haste? 

In my panic, I ignored the fact that the appointment marked the end of my weekly doses and the beginning of a new cycle. I also ignored the fact that I had not seen The Big Prof since I had walked into his office eleven weeks earlier and he made a space for me on his trial. I irrationally thought the worst.

This was sometime around the beginning of June and I can confirm that it was not the end. My paraprotein had remained stable throughout the nine weeks of treatment; it had not fallen and it had not risen. As a layman, I would have liked to hear that my paraprotein had gone down, but The Big Prof said he was happy with my results and signed me up for another cycle. I was to return to see him at the end of the next cycle, four weeks later. Apparently, that’s how frequently I should have been seeing him; at the end of each cycle. 

Something happened between my first clinic appointment and the second appointment. Well, a few things. I went on holiday, which meant having a month’s break between treatment and more importantly, pain returned to my body. That’s wrong too, I am not sure why I am unable to say what I mean on the first attempt. Pain is a multiple, but mostly managed daily experience. I do not have a day without pain. The word I omitted was ‘new’. New pain returned to my body. I have only experienced ‘new pain’ in the past when my disease was increasing. So, in this circumstance, I did what any sensible person would do who was desperate to go on holiday. I kept it a secret. I kept it a secret for two whole weeks before I blurted it out to Mamma Jones before we went on our holiday. I do not think I could have held it in any longer without inflicting serious mental health issues upon myself. 

Three to four weeks later, it was clinic time once again and if I thought I had been nervous at the start of June, I do not know what words could be used to describe what I was feeling on 2 August. It was not pretty. I had roped Mamma Jones into this one. I knew I could not do it alone and not surprisingly, my dear Mamma used up a day’s annual leave to come and support her baby during her appointment. I’m not ashamed to admit when I need my Mamma and she is always willing to oblige. I don’t want to gloat, but she does it so well. She even managed to keep me calm during the two hour wait in the most uncomfortable of uncomfortable waiting areas with her small talk and usually, small talk is not her forte. 

I had somehow managed to avoid thinking about it on holiday, despite increasingly bad pains, which just so happened to coincide with too much physical exertion. My holiday is another blog, but for this story you just need to know that I pushed my body to it’s limits, and beyond what I have medically been told I can do, so I could enjoy myself.  Experience it properly. By the end of the holiday, I could no longer put on my own shoes and socks. It was all worth it of course. The new pain, however in my right rib cage, once the excitement of the holiday was over, started to cause more pain than just the physical pain. 

So, having self diagnosed myself, we walked into the Medically Trained Person’s office to be told that everything was okay. I was shocked. My paraprotein still remained stable and despite putting on a bit of weight, I was clinically well. Mamma Jones and I left, I apologised to her for having to lose a day’s annual leave over nothing and I breathed a massive sigh of relief. Or four.

It was not long however, maybe even in a matter of hours, that I realised that I was predestined to have these feelings of anxiety repeated in the lead up to all future clinic appointments. I personally feel like I am hanging on to this trial by a thread, with what happens to me, being completely out of my control. When the bad thoughts creep into my head, I do quickly try and grasp on to a more positive spin. I want to stay on to the trail. I want to stay on and experince more of what this mortal coil (the right term for the state of the world at the moment) has to offer. I would say that in the circumstances, I am as positive as I can be. I’m realistic with it too, so when I feel something new in my body or I experience something that is not quite right, I am bound to worry. I am concerned that there are times that I can be too negative. I have discussed my behaviour with my counsellor and she says that pre clinic anxiety is perfectly normal and that acknowledging my fears is much healthier than behaving like I do not have cancer and I am not where I am in the long line of myeloma treatment.  I’ll take her diagnosis. 

It does feel natural now to worry about my success on the trial, given there isn’t that much out there, drug wise available to me. I can understand why I never truly feel comfortable too. Between appointments, I try to block as much of this out as possible. In my free time, I make sure I do as much as my body enables and that definitely goes someway to refill my faithful old ‘good cylinder’. Since my treatment moved to fortnightly, I have fully embraced getting a week back of my life, and I use it productively to live and not wallow. I have also lost the guilt I felt whilst my treatment was weekly, that I was not living enough. I was just too bloody tires 

In the last few weeks of the weekly doses, I really struggled. During the first few weeks, I had calculated that with treatment including steroids on a Thursday, steroids at home on a Friday and Saturday, followed by the inevitable crash on at least Saturday if not Sunday (and Monday), I was afforded two to three good days before I was back having my bloods done on a Wednesday morning. Then, everything started again on the Thursday. That two-three ‘good days’, days in which I was able to do something like a single trip to the cinema or a trip to the pub were invaluable but fleeting. A ‘good day’ did not equate to A full day. 

Gradually, as the weeks progressed, the number of ‘good days’ decreased and I longed for the fortnightly treatment. I had a week off treatment because my hospital was a victim of the NHS cyber attack, or whatever you wish to call it; I am no IT expert.  That week gave me a taste of what was achievable in a week off, and it felt like  freedom. Realistically, when you count the days I had appointments at UCLH too, I was down to one ‘good day’ by this point. As much as I enjoyed that week’s break, it made the remaining weeks feel like torture. Thank goodness for my Support Network.

I started receiving the Daratumamab fortnightly on the 14 June. To date, I have completed one and a half cycles, which equates to four doses. Technically, I do not require any more doses in this cycle but the next one, will not (hopefully) start for another 13 days. 

All of that nearly brings me up to date. Nearly. Yesterday was treatment day and it was five years and three days since I was admitted to another hospital with an elevated calcium level in my blood, leading to my diagnosis of multiple myeloma on 17 August 2012. Yesterday, I was told that I once again had an elevated calcium level. I am sure there are many medical reasons for this result, but to me, it answered my questions of why I have been experiencing the ‘new pain’, memories of five years ago fresh in my mind.  

The Medically Trained People I saw yesterday were ward based, which means they are not responsible for my overall treatment, if they know anything about my overall treatment at all. They approached the subject part calmly and part like a headless chickens.
The news of a high calcium level was met with my tears. The tears may not have come were it not for the anniversary, but I doubt it. I am so aware of failure that I probably would have blubbered like a baby regardless of the date or regardless of the cold way it was broken to me. “Are you on any supplements?” probably was not the best way to tell me, but that’s what happened so I just have to move on and acknowledge that the Medically Trained People working on St Bart’s daycare are extremely busy. 

As I wrote a few paragraphs ago, the result would answer why I had been experiencing the ‘new pain’ and generally why I have recently been feeling a little ‘off’. I asked  for my paraprotein result and I was told by the doctor that it had risen by a tiny amount. ‘Tiny’ was emphasised by a hand gesture and a closed eye. I asked for the actual figure and it had risen by six based on the bloods taken on 2 August. Is an increase of six tiny? I would have said it was, but then, I am not medically trained. 

So, where does this leave me now, does this story have an ending? In a word, or in four words, I do not know. Yesterday it meant receiving two large bags of fluids, which has left me peeing practically non-stop since. In terms of my long term health?  I do know is still my answer. I will have to wait for my next clinic appointment on 30 August. A clinic appointment where they will thankfully not be working on month old results. I know it will be a clinic appointment where my anxiety levels will once again go sky high. I will try and live next week, but I doubt the next clinic appointment will be far from my mind. 

Last week, I told various people in an attempt to justify my feelings about my treatment and life in general, that I lived month by month. I strongly, most adamantly believe this to be true. It’s like waiting for scraps, accept just with higher consequences…

So, this blog has now come to an end.  Is there an ending? I hope it is not the start of one. 


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Out Of Sorts

I have now had two doses of Daratumumab, and contrary to earlier theories, I am struggling to find my feet with it. As I write this, my last dose was on Thursday, four whole days ago. And since last Thursday, I have been feeling, how do I put it… out of sorts. ‘Out of sorts’ is the polite way of putting it. It’s the sort of thing a family would say in a post war drama set in a remote village, who are attempting to shield their neighbours from fact that their matriarch cannot stop kissing the wallpaper. I haven’t been kissing the wallpaper, I don’t have any wallpaper, but I have, as I said, been feeling out of sorts. I do not know what happened during my 12 hour visit to St Bart’s on Thursday, but since then, I have been feeling uncontrollably, unreasonably and inexplicably out of sorts. 

As somebody who used to enjoy a drink or five, I was able to diagnose myself almost immediately. Without any doubt, I can say that for the last four days, I have been feeling uncontrollably, unreasonably and inexplicably anxious. 

Anxiety is not my friend. Forgive me for pointing out the obvious, but it has never been my friend. Back in my pre myeloma life, I was familiar with this level of anxiety. That’s why I know that I do not deserve to feel this way now. Once upon a noughties,    at my very worst, I would have gone out on a Friday night, drank far too much to be deemed a lady, delivered to persons unknown a healthy dose of generous mouth and then rounded off my evening by doing something I should not have done with somebody from my office. I would then have to wait until the Monday morning for everything to be at peace in my mind again. In the meantime, the alcohol I consumed would trick me into thinking that the world, that’s right, the World, hated me and that everybody I knew was laughing at me. Not only was everybody laughing at me, they all thought me a simpleton. At least back in my days of drinking, I would have had, initially at least, enjoyed myself. The alcohol fuelled anxiety was a payoff for having fun. On Thursday, I did not have that type or any type of fun; this feeling of anxiety just engulfed me and it has been my constant companion ever since.

Why I ask? Why, indeed.  I had a counselling session last Monday and I felt fine. I even commented that I felt like I had nothing to talk about because everything seemed to be so, under control. Famous last words. Tentatively at least, I was managing the beast that is My Myeloma. And then, Thursday came…

Thursday’s trip to the hospital was not easy, in fact, like my visit the previous week, the visit was frought with uncertainty. The day before, I was told that the IT system at St Bart’s was down, which meant that once again my drugs could be delayed. The threat of another delay spun my head into multiple directions (that usually happens when one is ‘spun), but understanding that these things can happen, I encouraged myself to stay calm. By the close of play on the Wednesday, I was told that the Pharmacy had my prescription and all being well, and with a sigh of relief, my treatment would go ahead as planned. I arrived at the hospital the following day at 10am, and I could immediately sense the problems this IT issue had caused. The handwritten sign in the waiting area saying ‘all chemotherapy will be delayed by 2-3 hours’ was also something of a giveaway. 

I was shown to my bed for the day 30 minutes after my arrival. By midday, I had yet to have any tests done, seen any drugs, had a cannula fitted or been told anything about the plan for my day. I thought my day would have followed a similar course to my first day’s treatment. I could see that the Medically Trained People were stressed, so I resisted being too much of a nuisance but by 1pm, I had pressed the magical bell twice to see what was happening… It was not forthcoming. Mamma Jones was due to pick my up at my flat at 8.30pm, so I was ever mindful of the time. My friends delivered my lunch around this time. I have little memory of this, but I know what I ate and that they refused to take any money from me. My friends are nice like that. 

It was around 2pm that medical things started to happen. The cannula went in and I was given my pre-meds. Unlike the previous week, where I was under near constant monitoring, okay that was an exaggeration, hourly monitoring, monitoring had significantly dropped off in comparison. My memory is a bit hazy, and I’ll get to the reason for that shortly, but I think the main infusion started around 3-3.30pm. Before my treatment could start, I was told that I had to be booked in for a bed for that night thus causing a further delay, although I was told that I wouldn’t actually need said bed, because they had started too late for me to be treated solely by the Daycare staff. 

Only with the benefit of hindsight can I see that this environment might be the reason I was on edge. I like a timetable, and whilst I realise that My Myeloma is unpredictable,  the timetable I had for that day went out the window before I even arrived. The plan for Mamma Jones to pick me up and take me back to the land of the Fens was by that point on Thursday afternoon also under threat. I remember thinking if that was under threat, would future weeks be similarly uncertain. And then, a panic set in. 

This might be the time to say that prior to last Thursday, if anybody had asked me how I felt about my first dose of Daratumumab, I would have told you a story about how it left me with 3.5 good days a week. In fact, so certain was I of how the treatment made me feel and how it was going to fit into a week of my life; I would have told them about the blog I was writing entitled ‘3.5 Days’. 

My first dose of Daratumumab was on the 20 April (you can read all about that 10 hours of bliss right here I suspect it was a result of the 20mg of Dexamethosone taken prior, but for some reason I was extremely tired in the days that immediately followed my treatment.  The 10 hours I was in the hospital would also have played a part in the sleep that followed. By Sunday 23 April, I felt back to ‘normal’. Well, as close to normal as my body allows.

So there you have it, it was all so simple. Based on one whole week of funny feelings, I felt safe enough in my assumption that I would now be giving up 3.5 days of my week to my treatment and I was able to start telling people about it. My plan, my weekly schedule, would all being well, look something like this:

• Every Wednesday morning, I am required to go to St Bart’s for blood tests – 0.5 days

• Every Thursday would be taken up with treatment – 1 day  

• Every Friday and Saturday, I would be in bed getting over my steroids – 2 days  

All in, I had calculated 3.5 days a week given to My Myeloma treatment and 3.5 days a week for myself. I enjoyed how the title of my non-existent blog had two meanings. Depending on how you fill your own cup, one could read the title as 3.5 good days or 3.5 bad days. Evidentially, it doesn’t take much to entertain me. 

Back to the Thursday at hand, and I could see this plan, this schedule I created for myself very quickly, slipping away. 

I do not know if it is a management technique when I get frustrated with things going slowly, or if by Thursday afternoon I was genuinely tired, but I soon found myself snoozing. The environment of a chemotherapy daycare ward, makes for a very broken sleep. This resulted in me confusing my dreams with reality, which as time has gone on, I realise added to my anxiety. Even now, I do not know if conversations I had with my lunch time visitors and a later visitor actually happened, or if I dreamt them.

Sleep normally relaxes me, but my sleep on Thursday, despite making the time go faster threw me into a state of confusion. At the time, I recall telling somebody that I did not know what was real and what was not. No wonder I still feel out of sorts.

I’m not shoehorning it in, I think this nicely brings me on to another cause or should that be contributor to my anxiety and that is my drugs. I am on a lot of medication and although none of these have changed in the last week, I cannot help but think that one or some of them have set my teeth on edge. At the bare minimum, the drugs could be the reason I was in and out of such a broken sleep. The broken sleep has given me that same feeling I used to have after five too many drinks. I feel I was rude to my friends and I feel like they are were disgusted by me. I have checked with them, and I wasn’t rude and I did nothing to create disgust. And yet the anxiety still exists.

Tricks are still being played upon me. Even today, I feel irrational. I could describe my irrationality at length, but I think all you need to know is that I am still out of sorts. 

I wish I could put my finger on the cause. I’m fairly certain that my friends do not think I am a cretin and that those who visited me on Thursday did not leave thinking I was metaphorically kissing the wallpaper. I keep telling myself it is only my medication, much like I do when I am on my steroids and I can feel myself about to blow. This feeling is not me. I am embarrasssed by my uncertainty, and I hate feeling vulnerable. 

This doubt is not me. 

This anxiety is not me.

I wish I could finish this blog with a conclusion, with an ending to this particular story, but this is real life. It’s my life and things do not fit neatly into a box. I can tell you that I left the hospital shortly after 9pm last Thursday and the parting words from the Medically Trained Person was that there has to be a better system for getting and admitting the Daratumumab. For my sake, I sincerely hope for this to be true.  

I need some structure. 

EJB x 

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Day 1, Take 2 – Part II

A Timeline:

07:00hrs – I wake up, once again, I have been waking up on and off for a few hours. At 07:00hrs, my bladder told me that I could not lie in bed anymore. 

07.05hrs – I returned to my bed and took my morning dose of medication including the one that sounds like a mountain retreat. I then dilly dally. 

07.30hrs – Despite my hairdresser’s recommendation to wash my hair every four days, I decide that a wash is completely necessary and I sneak into the shower before Housemate emerges from his room, so I cannot be told off for making him late for work. I’m sure you can work out what happens next, but for the sake of accuracy, I put on the first of my day’s outfits once I get out of the shower. 

08.10hrs – This is an approximation, but Housemate leaves for work. In the time before his departure, I change my outfit once and ask for his expert opinion. He does not offer an expert opinion, so I change out of the extravagant kimono and put a black shirt on over my jeans and body. I thought subtle and comfortable was probably for the best.

08.25hrs – Ocado arrive and I spend the next 15 minutes struggling to get my goods in to the fridge. Said fridge looks magical when I am done, I almost feel like a grown up. 

08.40hrs – I cook my porridge. I then eat my porridge. At this point, I think I have plenty of time and I am convinced I am going to leave as planned at 09.15hrs, to ensure I arrive at the hospital by 10.00hrs. I then decide to watch an episode of TOWIE. Forgive me for that.

09.15hrs – I am not ready to leave on time, but I have managed to locate a cardigan that has been missing for two days.

09.30hrs – I book my Uber, but somehow find the time to take a photo of Bruce.

09.46hrs – I find the time en route to share this wholly necessary piece of information.

09.55hrs – I arrive at the hospital, make my way up to the 7th floor and check in.

10.10hrs – A Medically Trained Person comes to collect me, takes me through to Bay 5 and shows me to my bed to the day. On my arrival, I unpack my bag. I plug in both my chargers, unpack my laptop, kindle and iPad, find a spot for EMan and hang up my cardigan and handbag. I also pull a chair over to create an extra table. I did all of this completely obvious to the fact that the nurse was waiting to do my observations. Despite knowing that I had hours to make myself comfortable, I just wanted to make myself at home right away. I needed order. I didn’t just want to make myself at home by the way…

The first of several obs were then taken. Do not worry, I am not going to share with you every time my obs were taken. That’s mainly because I did not keep track of how many times my obs were done. Just know that they were done on the hour, and then before and after each infusion or change in speed of said infusion. That is a lot of times for somebody to take my temperature, pulse, blood pressure and oxygen. 

10.45hrs – In goes the cannula. My concerted attempt to drink as much liquid as possible all morning, proved worthwhile. The cannula went in on the second attempt on the top of my right hand. Don’t worry, I did not take a photograph of this. I know some people can be squeamish around needles; thankfully, I am not one of them. 

11.23hrs – The pre drugs start. 

They consisted of one bag of Piriton followed by a flush, then an 8mg bag of Dexamethosone followed by a flush. Sometime after that, I then get a 12mg bag of Dexamthosone on the instruction from the pharmacy. Once again, this is followed by a flush. 

This all takes some time and delays the start of the main attraction.

12.43hrsIt starts!

Look at the size of that bag! To begin with, due to the possible side effects, the Daratumumab is given to me very slowly. It speeds up gradually throughout the day, but not for the first two hours.

13.30hrs – Lunch has arrived and I start to feel nauseous. I am also dizzy. I’m trying to fight it, but aware of the warnings that I should report any changes, I tell the Medically Trained People. They do my obs.

13.49hrs – By now, they have discovered that my oxygen is low, and I am given oxygen.

15.00hrs – My visitor leaves me and I am once again left to my own devices. Prior to her leaving, she is kind enough to collect my drugs from the pharmacy, which required three trips downstairs. The first trip was to put in the prescription, the second was to collect said prescription and the third was to pick up my morphine which she was not allowed to collect without ID.  Whilst she was gone, I took advantage of the bed next to me being empty. 

I spent the rest of the afternoon feeling exceptionally hungry. I also started to watch the bag, willing it to empty. 

16.30hrs – the Daratumumab was turned up to maximum speed; with still many, many hours to go. My Medically Trained Person reminded me that I had my laptop with tv programmes on to keep me occupied. I repeatedly promised to turn it on. 

17:00hrs – I am given more drugs to take home. The previous prescription collected by my friend was for my pain management, this prescription contained support medication for the trail. It included Dexamethosone tablets, which I am required to take for the two days after each infusion. 

17.30hrs – By this time, I had turned on my laptop, I really wasn’t paying any attention to it as you may be able to tell from the photograph below.

I now lose track of how many times I restart said programme. I was tired and hungry. All so very tired and hungry. Hunger was controlling my mind. 

18.31hrs – By this point, all the other patients are gone and I am still hungry. I give in to the hunger and do something I would not usually do. 

19.30hrs – More obs are done prior to this, but by this point, the Daratumumab infusion is  over. Finally. The drugs are inside me and there is nothing else to be done. Well, there are things to be done. The Medically Trained Person has things to record, more fluids to give me and obs to take. On a personally level,  I have to pee again. At this time, the sodium docusate I take every day has also decided to work. When sodium docusate works, I cannot deny it. As a result, I spend the next 15 minutes in the toilet. 

20.00hrs – The last obs are taken, I have packed up all my belongings and I am ready to go. The Medically Trained Person asks me how I feel and I respond with ‘tired’. She admits that I do look tired but complements me on the fact that my lipstick is still on. 

I leave, against medical wishes, but I feel confident that nothing is going to go wrong in the next 24 hours (or in the days after that).

20.06hrs – I get into my Uber and for the next 20 minutes, I have to listen to complete and utter drivel from the mouth of the driver. In then end, I explain that I cannot talk to him anymore because I have been having cancer treatment for the last 10 hours. He continues to talk. He gets 2 stars.

20.28hrs – I am Home!

I greet my lads and put my dinner on. I then get straight into my pyjamas. I also investigate the bags under my eyes, to see if I do truly look tired. I can confirm that I looked tired.

21:00hrs – I eat. In bed. I then take my medication.

02.05hrs – I wake up to go to the toilet and find my TV is still on. I appear to have fallen asleep during Masterchef. I turn the TV off and fall immediately back to sleep. 

And that my friends and people of the internet, was my day. You can tell that I became increasingly tired as the day progressed, as I stopped recording my day as accurately as I would have liked. I think I still show that it was an incredibly long day.

Until next time…


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Day One, Take 2 – Part I

I woke up on Thursday morning in exactly the same way I woke up the previous day. I did everything I did on the Wednesday morning, right down to eating porridge for breakfast. – Quick interlude, I just let the dog out for a pee and it reminded me that there was a difference on Thursday morning, I had a supermarket delivery arrive between 08.00-09.00. It was due at a more reasonable time, but I had to change it because my treatment was postponed. You might think that this is an unnessary detail, but having a full fridge brings me so much joy. Anyway, back to my story –  If I was following my superstitious mind, I would have shaken the routine up a bit, but for reasons unknown, my brain had decided to behave; I was calm. I did not feel that nervous. I might have had a tiny, tiny bit of trepidation somewhere in my gut, but my predominant feeling was quite optimism. I just woke up wanting to get on with everything. In my flat that morning, I was more of a robot. That said, I did change my outfit twice and I asked Housemate whether I looked okay on both occasions and he responded with a sterotypical boy answer of ‘I don’t know’. I’m not sure why I was getting dressed up for the Daratumumab, I just needed to feel confident. Or at least fool myself that I felt  confident. I might have even fooled all of you.

Once again I felt the need to share my day on Instagram, it had two benefits. As well as sharing with strangers the glamourous and enviable life I lead, it also kept track of the day’s timeline, so I didn’t have to remember them for this blog. I’m thankful for that because it ended up being a long long day at the hospital. I say it ‘ended up’ being a long day, I always knew it was going to be a long day, I just didn’t compute the reality of it. 

If you count my waking hours it was an even longer day.  In terms of hours out of my house, I was out for 11 hours, and in the hospital for 10 of those. I didn’t even do rfar for my friends’ weddings. I woke up at 07.00 and past out at 22.30, so I was awake for 15.5 hours. I’m not normally awake for 15.5 hours and I am even more surprised that I managed to stay awake that long after having some IV Piriton. That would usually send me straight to sleep, but then it was followed by 20mg of Dexamethasone, so that probably counteracted the immediate need to snooze.

As you may have worked out by now, I got the Daratumumab. Pause for your applause. Despite having an hour and 20 minutes of pre meds before the big  infusion, I did, when I was in the seat for a brief moment begin to doubt that I would ever see the drug. Even when the Medically Trained Person told me that pharmacy had called her and said it was ready, I still had  doubts. Completely irrational doubts, but they were doubts all the same. When I eventually saw the bag and confirmed my name and date of birth I was excited. Internally, it was an internal excitement. When the bag was eventually hooked up to me, I sighed with relief. It was a theatrical sigh, but if was the only way I could think at the time, of commemorating the occasion. I was officially on the trial, and apart from the Medically Trained People, I was the only person to see it. 

I should add at this point that Mamma Jones felt (and probably still feels) terrible about not being able to accompany her baby girl for her big day of treatment. Mamma Jones just couldn’t get the day off of work, which I understood completely. Mamma Jones on the other hand felt guilty. I think she must have felt the guilt a lot because she was very apologetic on the Wednesday about not being able to come and then she phoned my twice on the Thursday to say she could come after work if I needed her.  People have to work, and I knew that my Mum would have been there for my first infusion if she could have been. It’s just one of those things, we planned family cover for the Wednesday, but as you know things changed at short notice.

I explained in my previous blog that Big Sister could not come to London for the big day, take two. The lack of family members present did have my two main female family members in a spin. Fortunately for me, there actually exists people who live in London who care about me, so when I found out I was going to be family-less, I contacted the London family and immediately I had a volunteer. I had a simple task for them, and that was, in addition to entertaining me for a period of the day, to bring me lunch. I had seen the hospital lunch the previous day and decided that just would not do. If I was going to be in the hospital all day, I needed to eat well. If in the process of bringing me lunch, my friend wanted to stay and talk with me a bit, then that was okay too. I understand that this offered my mother some reassurance. 

Whilst we are on the subject of food, I arrived at the hospital with a handful of cherry tomatoes, an apple and a flapjack. The flapjack was for emergencies. My friend was arriving at one, and in addition to my actually lunch of sushi (please do not complain to me about eating raw fish, my counts were fine, and I am adult) and a bowl of miso soup, I asked her to bring a punnet of tomatoes because the tomatoes I packed had disappeared into my mouth  by the time my infusion started. Despite a brief feeling of nausea, timed perfectly for the arrival of my food, I spent the rest of the day absolutely ravenous. It was fortunate for my waistline that I was attached to a drip and under such stringent monitoring, because I would have gone on a search for more food otherwise. I probably would have had one of the free sandwiches if they had done a late afternoon visit, such was my irrational hunger. As my stocks dwindled to nothing, I even had to lower myself to a custard cream and I hate a custard cream. You do not need to know, correction, I am unwilling to tell you what I had to eat when I got home. I need to maintain an air of elegant mystery. Next Thursday, I am going to have to rectify the hospital food situation. I am going to need a bigger bag. 

I had heard a lot about the reactions I could have on Daratumumab, which is one of the reason why I had to be monitored so closely. The other reason, I guess, is because it is a trial requirement. I know I started this paragraph talking about reactions, but I think I should just add here that I think I won the clinical trial nurse jackpot, I mean, if there was such a thing. My nurse was probably with me for 4-5 hours of my 10 hour day, and the biggest complement I could give was that I enjoyed her company. I also liked that she brought me drinks and made toilet jokes. Anyway, after yet another brief interlude to the narrative, I can confirm that I experienced no major side effects. 

If I had experienced any major side effects, I can confirm that the hospital was well prepared for them. They even had Mamma Jones and Big Sister’s contact numbers so they could keep them up to date if I became indisposed. I also had the nurses’ bell to hand and my Medically Trained Person’s phone number should anything change. I was well covered.

The only issues I had was some light dizziness lasting about half an hour shortly after the infusion started, which coincided with some nausea, which unfortunately coincided with the arrival of my lunch. My oxygen also went down, so I got to have extra oxygen shoved up my nose for good measure. As soon as I had the oxygen, the nausea and dizziness past and I was able to eat my feast, which if I am being perfectly honest, is what I cared about the most. 

Although I was there, on the same bed for hours, I must admit that the time until about 17.00 went by so quickly. From then on, it went slowly, but this tied in with all the patients in my bay going home, the cleaners cleaning around me and the sun go down. In the last three hours, it felt very quiet and lonely in that room, which is strange because I had spent most of the day mentally lambasting the other patients for making noise, especially the one, who at one point had six very loud visitors. I missed them all once they were gone.

I did not start watching my TV programmes until about 18.00 and even then, I only watched half an hour of one show, that I kept having to rewind because I was distracted by my phones or simply because I was tired and struggling to concentrate. I had to postpone Line of Duty because I was beginning to feel very tired and I felt that I would be unable to give it the attention it deserves. I will have to review my viewing choices before next week. Maybe Disney would be more suitable.

I really do not know how I managed to fill 10 hours of my day, when all I did was sit on a bed. A lot of my time was spent on my phone. I was inundated with messages from my friends and calls from my family, which when added to the two hour visit from a real life human friend meant that I felt well and truly supported. I received my weekly call from my UCLH CNS, a Medically Trained Person who always, I feel, goes above and beyond what is required from her when it comes to supporting me and for that, I am most grateful. I also wrote one of these, which takes more time to complete than you can imagine. On a more practical level, I was also very thankful for packing a phone charger.

The infusion bag was huge, and prior to receiving that, I received a bag of antihistamine, two bags of Dexamethosome, because the pharmacy changed my dose halfway through the first infusion (thus adding a 30 minute delay to my day). Each bag of drugs was followed by a flush. I should have, but I did not record the size of the Daratumumab bag, but just trust me when I say it contained a lot of liquid. On top of the liquid going through my veins, was the liquid going through my bladder. The Medically Trained People kept offering me more refills of water and top ups to my herbal tea. Plus, I had a clear soup for lunch. All this means one thing, and one thing only. I needed to go to the toilet a lot.

Going to the toilet whilst attached to an drip with a cannula in your dominant hand is no easy feat. It is especially difficult if you have aching bones and struggle to get on and off anything. The first time I went, I did not realise that the line was long enough for me to get off the left hand side of the bed, so I had to lift my legs, one by one and squeeze them between a gap mid chair. Such gymnastics was necessary because the table was attached to the bed, cutting the right hand side of the bed in half with a metal pole. Thank goodness two of my curtains were closed when I did this. On my return, I realised I could get on the bed from the left hand side, negating the need to negotiate the pole and more crucially, negating the need to look stupid.

The trial dictates that patients are monitored for two hours post infusion. My infusion ended at 19.00 hrs and as I had had no major side effects, I asked if I could leave at 20.00hrs. This was against medical recommendation, but I was hungry and tired, and the Medically Trained Person said she would not have left me leave early if she thought anything further was going to happen. And so, I left at 20.00hrs, got in an Uber and instructed Housemate to put the oven on, so I could heat my ready made cottage pie, which had arrived that morning.

There isn’t much more to tell you. I was absolutely exhausted yesterday and I do not know if this is because I was out of the flat for so long or because of the medication. I imagine it was a combination of the two. I was the sort of tired where every activity felt like a marathon. I was mortified to discover that I had incorrectly spelt ‘belatedly’ in a birthday card, by brain just wasn’t working properly.  Needless to say it was a flat day. I imagine that today too, is going to be a flat day. 
The reassuring thing, at least I find it reassuring, is that although I am still tired from my treatment, I know that I get to do it all over again next week. For those of you who are interested, I have to go in for tests next Wednesday morning, ahead of my treatment on Thursday. I imagine after a few more doses, my excitement will fade and Daratumumab, like every other drug I have taken will become routine. I just hope, with ever ounce (and there are a lot of them) of my being, that this treatment and this investment does what we hope it will do. 


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The Glitch

On Wednesday morning, I woke in childlike excitement ahead of what was my first day on the Daratumumab trial. It’s was Day 1. Finally Day 1. Before waking up properly at 07.15, which is virtually unheard of these days, I woke up multiple times from 05.00. I just wanted to get to the hospital and see the infusion going into my arm. The night before, I had anxiously packed my day bag, even going as far as washing my backpack, so everything was truly ready to go. The backback was full of every possible form of entertainment I could wish to get up to as well as some I would not; I had even purchased a dual headphone jack so that Big Sister and I could spend the time catching up with Line of Duty. So as not as to tempt fate, I had also packed pyjamas and clean knickers in the event of me having to stay in. I was good to go. 

Once up, I made myself a proper breakfast to start such a big day right, which had to  fit in with my morning drug routine of waiting an hour before eating and then once my stomach is full, taking another hefty batch of pills. Were you aware that I had to do that everyday? I also took something called Montelukast, which sounds more like a mountain resort than a drug to relieve allergic reactions, perhaps the patent holders were just being inventive that day. I also did the things that everybody does before leaving the house of a morning, and it seems rather boring to describe them to you here; just use your imagination and know that once I smelt so fresh and so clean, clean and was presentable, I covered my lips in lipstick. 
The only downside of being out all day, is seeing the disgusted look upon the dog’s face when he realised I was not getting back into bed, but this is just something he was going to have to live with. I gave him a guilt treat before smothering him in kisses,  and struggling into my Uber with my extremely heavy backpack and a tightly closed bottle filled with 24 hours of my urine. And off I went to Bart’s. 
I was so excited, and also aware that there would be many occasions where I would be bored throughout the day, that I decided to share said excitement on Instagram Stories.

Exhibit 1: As you can see, the excitement was undeniable and not in the least bit egocentric .

Exhibit 2: Truly this was not in the least bit designed to get people’s attentions and to make them think of me as they go about their respective days. 

So, I walked through those doors, put my body and it’s tapping foot in a seat and waited. I had already told the Medically Trained Person in charge of my care that I was running a whole 8 minutes late, so I waited patiently for her. By that time, Big Sister was on the train from Peterborough and would be joining me by my bed at approximately 11.30.  

To fast forward a bit, the next Story I uploaded, was as follows:

Exhibit C: Yep, it was true instead of arriving home after 20.00, I arrived home at 14.00. Bruce was excited; I was not.

I suppose I have to rewind to the waiting room. My nurse came out to see me and very apolegetically explained that there had been a problem on the computer system for the trial and said computer system was preventing the hospital’s pharmacy from making and issuing the Daratumumab. It was a Glitch. A very annoying glitch. Due to the length of time it takes to give the Daratumumab via infusion, if the glitch could not be sorted by 11.45, I was going home. As have already seen, it is no big reveal to say I ended up going home with my head bowed in disappointment.

I’m not entirely sure of the precise reason for the computer glitch, I was assured that everything had been agreed verbally. I was on the trial and the trial sponsors were happy with my addition. The computer was clearly not happy. There are many reasons for this. One could be that the trial had been closed and reopened for me (I did not know that this was the case) and the compute could not compute this. Secondly, somewhere down the line there had been an admin area. Thirdly, it was just a plain old computer problem that nobody will ever get to the bottom of.

Sorting this problem was time sensitive, which meant the biggest issue the Medically Trained People had on Wednesday morning was the fact the computer glitch originated in the good old US of A. At that time of the morning in UK, there wasn’t many people or should that be the right people to help fix the problem by our deadline in the US. So, despite Big Sister arriving and confirming that she could not come the following day, the kind people at St Bartholomew’s were left with no other option but to send me home when the clock turned 11.45. 

To say I was disappointed was an understatement. Since hearing of the trial and knowing the stakes it has for me, I have been loathe to talk about it too much because I did not want to jinx it. I have no idea when I became superstitious, but it was probably some point around August 2012 when I was diagnosed. The reason I was late arriving to the hospital was because I suddenly decided I need to wear my Granny’s old necklace that says ‘luck’ in Cantonese. By the time we walked out of the hospital, I did realise the irony of my necklace.

Outwardly fine, but inwardly panicking; I asked if this meant there was any chance of me being removed from the trial and I was told ‘absolutely not, I was on the trial’. With that Big Sister felt much better and I felt marginally better. I am not sure if she was trying to calm me or if she genuinely believed it, but Big Sister remained poised and not remotely angry the whole time. It may be a result of her NHS training but she just said that these things happen and she hoped that the treatment could go ahead as planned on Thursday. That my friends, is a calming influence. When I initially called my sister on the train to explain the problem, she said “oh well, it would still be nice to me [blank] (blank is my trial nurse)”. 

Inevitably, at 11.45 we left the 7th floor waiting room and made our way to pharmacy to get some more Montelukast for that evening and the next day. Talking the drug was dependent on me getting a call later that day saying the treatment would go ahead. Once the pharmacy dispensed it, Big Sister and I treated ourselves to some lunch so her day was not a total waste, and then we parted ways. She was heading back to Peterborough and I to my flat and to the dog.

It was when I got back to the flat, alone, clutching my phone with the ringer on the loudest setting, that my irrational panic set in. The silence made my mind wander. Wander is to soft a word, my mind galloped.  I think my concerns were best summed up with this piece of marginally frantic primary evidence:

Exhibit 4 – Irrational panic 

So, yes. On Wednesday afternoon instead of feeling tired, wanting to go home to my own bed, I was willing to feel tired on a disinfected bed. I was also doing mind gymnastics, as shown above. In my defence, when you have had received the amount of bad news I have received, these irrational outbursts can be expected. I was very aware that it was irrational, and I received sympathy and logic from pretty much everybody I spoke to or by text. I didn’t need to be told I was being stupid, because I was telling myself that already. I just needed a gentle stroking, so to speak, not an actual stroking though I might have found that relaxing too. 

At around 16.00 hours my phone rang. I don’t think I gave it the chance to go beyond one full ring but it rang. It was confirmation that the computer glitch had not been sorted, but the folks at St Bart’s had made it very clear to the folks somewhere in the US of A, that I had to start my treatment as soon as possible. Something they agreed to; the human override. 

So, I was to start my Thursday in the same way I started Wednesday. Montelukast, other pills, shower, clothes, breakfast, lipstick, heavy bag, an Uber, and arrival at the hospital by 10.00. The only difference was that this time, I would be doing it without a family member, much to their disappointment. Mamma Jones even phoned me to say she felt guilty, I told her not to be so ridiculous. I had arranged an alternate to bring me lunch and I reassured her that I would be fine. As soon as The treatment started I would be fine.

With slightly less confidence I fell asleep on Wednesday. I still managed to feel some excitement that I would eventually, after what felt like months of waiting, see the trial start and witness the drug I really struggle to pronounce go into my arm. I have small dreams and that was one of them.

What happened yesterday is for another blog, but find some comfort in the fact that I was in the hospital for 10 hours yesterday and I feel extremely tired today. This blog only comes so early courtesy of my need to take some Dexamethosome after my breakfast, and I cannot have either of those things without an hour wait.


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The Know It All

When it came to getting my radiotherapy, I was very much in the been there, done that, got the t-shirt, camp. If there is such a camp when it comes to radiotherapy. I bet there are radiotherapy clubs, but this is just me thinking out loud. I do not want to join a radiotherapy club. Prior to my sessions last week, I had had radiotherapy twice before. Whilst my previous experiences were not without their side effects, if you had spoken to me the week before last, you would have heard me say with great confidence “of all the cancer treatments I have had, radiotherapy is by far the easiest one.” One of my dear friends offered to put her child into nursery to accompany me on my first session, another dear friend offered to take a day off work; both offers were immediately rejected as wholly unnecessary and seen as (a much appreciated) overreaction. 

I thought radiotherapy was easy. At least the way in which I have experienced radiotherapy was easy; in the form of a short five day course or as a one off session. I am not naive or conceited enough to think that the people who require weeks of back to back, daily radiotherapy would classify their experience as ‘easy’. I described myself as a seasoned pro, not to a Medically Trained Person, but in my head and probably on this blog. To the Medically Trained People, I somewhat arrogantly sped through the list of side effects and I had very few questions prior to my consent. I just wanted to get on with.

In terms of usage of time (if you exclude the travel), I suppose radiotherapy is easy, and it is more for this reason that I declined the kind offers made by my friends to accompany me to the hospital. I attended UCLH for five days and only one of my visits lasted for more than an hour. On average, I would estimate my trips lasting no more than 30 minutes. The zaps themselves are even shorter, taking a matter of minutes, or even seconds, it’s hard to tell. It’s not like Goldfinger, you cannot see a green laser coming for you. After my first session on Friday 7th, I asked whether that was it when the technicians reappeared, because I was completely unaware of the procedure taking place. I thought that the machine buzzing and moving around me, was preliminary work before the real deal could take place. That expectation is coming from somebody with prior radiotherapy experience; my memory truly is awful. The majority of time my time in the radioactive bunker was spent taking my clothes off and putting them back on again. 

I do not recall experiencing any side effects after my first encounter with radiotherapy. That was just one zap on my right hip and the only thing left to remind me that I had it, after the pain went away were the three tattoos left behind. My second experience of radiotherapy was not as straightforward as the first, but it did not compare to a week’s dose of steroids. Approximately two weeks after the five sessions on my L1-L5, I endured two days of food poisoning like symptoms due to the zaps going straight through my stomach. This side effect, whilst absolutely horrible at the time, was predicted and after a day or two recovering, was quickly forgotten. 

Less easy to forget, but without the severe sweating, was the scar that treatment has left on my back. Initially, I say initially but approximately six weeks after the treatment, the skin on my back appeared to have been burnt. Burning or sores is a well documented side effect of radiotherapy, so I was unalarmed but itchy, I treated it with aqueous cream as instructed and thought nothing more of it. Approximately 15 months later, I developed Graft vs Host Disease as a result of my transplant and I was reminded of my radiotherapy once more. 

I could go on and on about my back, but all you need to know is that as a result of the GVHD, I still have significant scarring on my back. The scarring is in fact so unslightly that it was commented on several times during my most recent week of radiotherapy. One Medically Trained Person with dulcet tones reminded me to moisturise, to which I politely told her that moisturising would not cure this particular ill. I actually wanted to laugh in her face at the stupidity of her comment, given how many doctors I have discussed this ailment with and how all of them have been left scratching their heads. I did not laugh in her face though, because her comment was only stupid to me (and maybe Mamma Jones) who has lived through the saga, or what feels like a strange X-Files-like marking that is my back lower. 

Exhibit A – I know it is gross

Despite my back and the hideousness of it, going in to my most recent treatment, I still thought it was going to be easy and the side effects minimal. Perhaps it is because I did not have the time to think about it. In fact, when it came to asking questions, I asked only two. The first question, given the fact I just wrote two paragraphs about it and shared a rather nasty picture of it, was about scarring. Of the three areas being treated, the one requiring five sessions was on my upper spine and call me vain, because I can be, but I do not want to have a similar scar that would be visible. One scar like the one I have is enough. It’s a story and an occasional show piece. Two scars, with one of them on a visible area of my neck is just unnessary. Only time will tell if history repeats itself. Unfortunately, I cannot apply the cream provided by myself, so I am reliant on the kindness of others to rub cream into my naked body.

My second question was about diarrhoea and whether I would get it again. Nobody wants to get diarrhoea, especially the sort where your stomach cramps constantly and  sweat falls from your forehead to the floor. Flashback warning! I just recalled having to remove all my clothes whilst on the toilet the last time I had radiotherapy induced toilet issues. I cried too. Horrid. So yes, I don’t want that. Unfortunately for me, I had one off zaps to my T10-L1 and my left ileum; both of which could have gone through my stomach. So far, I had three days of cramping that was easily treated by a few doses of Buscopan (never underestimate the power of Buscopan, I’m an advocate and I believe it should form part of any personal drug stash). 

I am yet to mention fatigue. I knew that the treatment was going to make me tired, especially as the doses accumulated. It made me tired last time and I expected no less this time around. I suffer from fatigue daily, so I thought that it was barely worth a mention. Fatigue impacts so much of my life already, it’s as common to me as water. Nevertheless, I prepared for more fatigue than usual. I purchased ready meals and purchased food that Housemate could cook for me. I bought some plants for my bedroom and replaced my broken aromatherapy defuser, to ensure that my room was a serene and calm environment. So convinced was I that I was going to manage it with relative ease… 

You’ve guessed it. I’m eating my words. I’m chewing down on them, masticating slowly before I humiliatingly swallow them and choke. 

I do not know if it was because I had more radiotherapy than I had had previously; or because I am physically weaker than I was when I had the previous my treatments, but I found last week incredibly difficult. I struggled. Put it another way, it was anything but easy. 

Pain. I was in a lot of pain. Hell, that was the reason I was having the radiotherapy in the first place. Unfortunately, the start of the radiotherapy coincided with a deterioration of my pain. A vast deterioration. I had taken to wearing my sling all the time (bar bedtime) to take the pressure off my back, which did alleviate some of my symptoms but there was a time limit to it. Don’t get me wrong, I felt pain whilst wearing the sling too, I was just in less pain. If I was not wearing a sling, I could not stand up straight. The pins and needles in my arm would be constant and my elbow felt like something was taking a hammer to it. I know I am doing a terribly job at describing my pain. It was in my back, my left arm, my legs, I felt it everywhere. It was all consuming.

As the week of the 10th April started, I had  forgotten one crucial thing, and that was that radiotherapy can cause more pain before it relieves it. By the Tuesday, after I had had two sessions on my upper back and the two one off sessions, I remembered. The radiotherapy seemed to enhance every pain I had. The pain in my ileum became instantly worse. It felt heavy and the pain pounded like a heartbeat. My back, well, my back felt like everything was wrong. I couldn’t lift my head or turn it. I had the occasional spasm. I even struggled to get in through my back door because I couldn’t lift my leg high enough. Essentially, I moved like the pre oiled, rusty Tin Man. Sleeping on my side was impossible. Sleeping full stop was difficult. 

My words do not do what I felt last week any justice at all. Know that I frequently yelped in my pain, occasionally I produced uncontrollable grunts. The pain, as does my pain today, got progressively worse as the day went on. Doing something as simple as getting ready for bed had to be broken down, because the act of taking off my clothes, putting my pyjamas on, pulling down my bed sheets and setting up my five pillow sleeping tower seemed impossible feat. 

Despite fighting to be independent and at times, doggedly so, I relied on Housemate heavily. As I could not bend down, he had to get my food out of the oven, fill up my water bottle, add ice to my drinks, put my post radiotherapy cream on my neck and do up my bra. On the Thursday, Mamma Jones had to drive to London after a full day’ work, and drove me back to her house because I could not lift my suitcase nor get myself to the train station. And because I felt so rundown that I needed the Mum Love and I also though that Housemate needed a break.
The above is not solely the fault of the radiotherapy but it definitely played a part. I do not think that this was a ‘woe is me situation’. I really hope I do not come across that way. I was genuinely scared by how limited my movement became; that should be enough to convey how difficult things became.

In addition to my overly documented pain, there was the fatigue. The fatigue was easier to manage. If there is one thing I am used to managing, it is my fatigue. That said, I did manage to fall asleep in the waiting room of the Radiotherapy Departmemt. I walked in, sat down and within 10 minutes I was fast asleep. I know it was 10 minutes because I arrived at 14.30 and the Technican called my name at 14.40. 

I completely underestimated the toll the treatment would take on my body. It’s radiation. I should have put two and two together. In my head, this was just the equivalent to taking a paracetamol. On the Monday of treatment week, in addition to the daily zap on my C5-T5, I had the one off zaps on my ileum and my T10-L1. Oh my gosh, such was the power, I felt instantly felt sick. It was a miracle I did not vomit in the taxi on the way home. By the time I arrived at my flat, all I could manage was to roll onto my bed after finding an Ondansetron (to manage my sickness) in my drugs sack and there I stayed for 90 minutes in the foetal position. I could not move. Everything felt weak and stiff. I believe my attempts to talk actually manifested in a mumble. When I eventually came round, I discovered that I had dribbled on my pillow and chin. There are reasons why I am single. That evening caught me completely off guard. Once again, I found myself panicking, worrying about the cause of the illness, despite realistically knowing that the cause was the radiotherapy.

Finally, in addition to feeling tired, sick and excruciating pain, the radiotherapy made me sweat. Instantly, after each session, I would have a hot flush. By now, I am used to hot flushes but the post radiotherapy ones were severe. One day, on the first day, I sat in the hospital’s main reception for longer than necessary because I was trying to work out how I was going to wipe my sweat off the plastic seat without anybody noticing. You’d think I would have well rehearsed this move by now, but apparently not. I think the radiotherapy had sent me a little doolally. Or perhaps it is my medication. My reactions and my ability to think feels much slower, less reactive.

A week on from my radiotherapy ended and all I can do is wait. I have no idea if I am going to get an upset stomach in a week’s time, or if I am going to get burn marks on my neck or hip. Not only am I waiting for the bad things to occur, I’m also hoping for the treatment to work. At the moment, I can feel my pain improving slowly. Slowly over the last five days, I  have gradually felt the sensation in four out of five fingers on my left hand return! That deserves the exclamation mark. Truthfully, I do not know if the improvement in my pain level is due to the radiotherapy or last week’s increased medication. I just spoke to a Medically Trained Person and she suspects it is the medication. So, wait some more, I shall. 

So much waiting.

Perhaps me saying that radiotherapy was easy, was wishful thinking. If you say it, it will come true. I know that is complete bollocks, but some sort of positive thinking is a good thing. Right now, as I end yet another epic blog and take in that I had a week of radiotherapy and treated it like it was just a regular day, I realise that I am exhausted. Absolutely exhausted.

That much at least, I know.


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A Lesson in British Decorum

Please not I accidentally published this blog early because I have limited control over my fingers; this is the final version (unless I reread it during a bout of insomnia and decide to correct my typing errors).

University College London Hospital acted with the greatest of haste following my MRI and all round bad results. Not only did they make sure I was referred to Bart’s within days of our meeting, they also referred me to their Radiotherapy Department. I am not sure of the particulars or what happened behind the scenes, but I do know that I saw my Medically Trained People on Thursday 30 March and I was informed on Monday 3 April that I had an appointment at the Radiotherapy clinic on Thursday 6 at midday. Not only did I have an appointment at midday, but I also had an appointment at 14.30 to complete my pre treatment measurements. The treatment itself was to commence on Friday 7 April. 

Now, I know I just threw a lot of dates at you. In a nutshell, in order to be left opened mouthed with administrative awe, you just need to know that within the week of receiving and telling me about my MRI results, the hospital had scheduled in my treatment, which was to start a mere eight days later. Things were moving fast. Need I remind you, that this was all planned in the same week I visited St Bart’s to discuss and consent to the clinical trial. The start date of which, was dependent on my radiotherapy. All of this was also within a week of being told that I had stopped responding fast enough to traditional treatments. What a mouthful.
It was to my benefit that things were moving so fast. Mercifully, it left me with little time to dwell.
Not having the time to stop meant that I was able to get myself into what I call ‘Game Mode’, without stepping into the usual self pitying pitfalls. I walked in to the Place Where A Lot of People Know My Name on Thursday 6 April, ready to go. My head was high and my lipstick was on. I know that things would have happened around me even if I was not ready to go. Mentally however, it was important to me that I felt ready for the various treatments that were soon to be thrown at me, and there was a lot to be thrown at me. After feeling like I had been hit over the head with a Le Creuset griddle pan for a week, and allowing myself to cry for most of that week, the game was on. I was ready go. 

So, after all that internal fighting talk, Thursday arrived and it was time to sit down with an unknown Medically Trained Person. This was not my first time having radiotherapy; it was my third. I had previously had a one off session on my right hip in the October of 2012, and a five day session on my L1-L5 to remove a mass in August 2014. The purpose of my previous treatments, were the same as this current treatment, and that was to manage and reduce my pain. 

Previously, the Radiotherapy Department came along and zapped said pains away; and it is for that reason that I was absolutely desperate to have this treatment.  It shone through. My pain was worsening day by day. Even before I walked through the door into the Medically Trained Person’s office, my desperation was palpable.

During my appointment I was informed that instead of the treating just the two areas that had been ruling my life, they would be treating three. The main area requiring treatment, the area causing the majority of my pain was a ‘mass’ pressing on my C5-T5. That’s my spine by the way for anybody who thought I didn’t have a back bone.  I think ‘mass’ is a nice way of saying something else, but I did not enquire further. To treat said ‘mass’, I would be receiving five zaps over five almost consecutive days. A weekend got in the way of it being truly consecutive. Anyway, so far, so good. I saw the MRI image of the ‘mass’ and I thought to myself ‘yep, that’ll do it’ as I hunched over once again and grimaced in unbearable pain, wondering if I would ever have full sensation in my left hand again.

Also requiring treatment was my left pelvis, which I knew about, but from that appointment forward, I would only be referring to it as my ileum. Simply because ileum is a great word. My ileum would be treated with a one off blast of radiation. The third area to be treated, and also with a one off blast, was my T10-L1. The doctor said that there was ‘something left over from last time’. Again, despite being in my Game Mode, I chose not to ask any further questions about this. I trust the Medically Trained People, and I was happy to leave all the science and decision making to them.  I might not have known about this particular problem, but what harm can a one off blast of radiation do? The 2% chance of a secondary cancer is hardly an issue for me now.

Such was my desire for my pain to be relieved, if they were offering more, who was I to decline it? So, I fast forwarded through the list of side effects and signed yet another yellow consent form. 

Downtown Abbey has a lot to answer for. Stereotypically, British people are believed to be well mannered. We also apologise a lot but that doesn’t fit into the title and narrative of this blog. On a personal note, if I was not well mannered, I would incur the wrath of Mamma Jones. Thus, I made sure that prior to my departure that I thanked the Doctor not only for seeing me, but for seeing me so quickly and in advance of making the pain disappear. It was not a one off thank you, it was an over excited, cannot believe my luck, repetive thank you.  I might have even squeaked. It was the sort of thank you that could easily be described as embarrassing. I embarrassed myself and probably the doctor. I did not care. I do not have the brain power at the moment to adequately express how much I needed and wanted the radiotherapy without simply repeating myself; I really needed this treatment. 

Next up, in this seemingly never ending blog, was the pre-treatment measurements. Now, I am going to assume that the majority of you have not frequented or required radiotherapy at UCLH. It’s a different world to Huntley Street’s cancer centre. It’s in the windowless basement of the main hospital and every member of staff speaks in soft dulcet tones, to match the soft colour tones of the walls. They also introduced themselves to me at such a rate that remembering their faces, let alone their names was next to impossible. 

There is one word I would use to describe the staff I encountered that afternoon and that word is ‘nice’. Everybody was so nice. I said as much to them. They were all the epitome of nice.

To be measured for the radioactive zaps, these particular Medically Trained People needed to access my hips, chest and back. In order to access these places, I needed to remove my clothes and it is this circumstance in which I encountered British manners at their most uncomfortable. The episode went a little something like this:

Technician: [soft dulcet tone] Now Emma, I just need you to remove you top and your jewellery. 

Me: Okay.

Technician: Actually, can you take your bra off as well? We’ll leave you alone for privacy.

Me: No problem, do you need me to take anything else off? I’ve had a lot of medical procedures so it doesn’t bother me.

Technician: Um [looks at my jeans] can you take your trousers off as well? You can keep your underwear on. We’ll give you a gown but you’ll need to keep it undone at the back.

Me: Sure, are you sure you don’t need me to take my knickers off? I truly don’t mind. After you have to have your mother take you to the toilet and bathe you at the age of 28, nothing really phases you. Well, it doesn’t phase me.

Technician: No, knickers are fine. [The three people working on me then left the room to give me the privacy they promised, something that contradicts what follows]

Me: [Now dressed in an undone medical gown, but still wearing my necklaces, which I could not remove myself due to my pain] I’m done.

[The three female technicians then come out of their office, one helps me to take off my necklaces and they ask me to lie down on the measurement contraption]

And so, I did what I was told. I lay on my back with the gown flapping at either side of me. It was not comfortable. The three technicians started to work over me and described everything they were doing to me in their dulcet tones. They kindly explained that they needed to look at my body to complete the measurements. My naked body.

As the radiotherapy was going to be on my neck, lower back and left pelvis, this translated to looking at my chest, hips and the top of my lady garden. Yes, I wrote lady garden. For information, when I relayed this story to my nieces, I referred to that area as ‘my peach’. 

For my chest, I had to remove my arms from the gown which was then pulled down to reveal my less than pert breasts. After some talking and looking, they drew a cross (I found this out afterwards) on the area known as, if I were wearing my bra and standing up, my cleavage. For my lower back, they were able to use the previous tattoos. 

Now, here comes the best bit. To access the necessary area of my lady garden, they very gently and apologetically pulled down my M&S black cotton briefs so they were resting just below my buttocks, and then covered my exposed front with a piece of hospital issue blue tissue. The process continued to be narrated by those dulcet tones. The purpose of the blue tissue was to protect my modesty. 

So there I was, lying on the machine all but naked were it not for the hospital gown acting as a sheet, my pants hanging below my bottom, and a piece of hospital issue blue paper towel covering my genitals when one of the technicians used something wet, I assumed it was an anticeptic wipe, to clean the top of my lady garden. It was at this point that I started to hot flush. The area was inspected closely, and the tattoo I had there in 2012, unlike the ones on my hips had faded, thus requiring another tattoo. 

After I had been through the machine where I had admired some animal stickers stuck to the top of the machine for children’s entertainment, the ladies returned to the room. This time round, I received one and a half new radiotherapy tattoos. I got a brand new one on my cleavage and the half belongs to the touched up one on my not-to-be-seen. Once that was done, I was done. I just needed to get up off the machine, which in my case, is always easier said than done. 

I cannot get up, after lying flat on such a hard flat surface by myself. It has been four years and eight months and I still cannot do it. So, I very politely asked for assistance, which was willingly given. As I sat up, flanked either side by two strangers, the undone gown still acting as a blanket fell off exposing my breasts and my bare bottom. It was too late to protect my bottom, but I was able to cover what I unaffectionally call my Saggy Maggies by putting my arms through the sleeves of the gown. As I put my legs down and stood up, the blue paper towel that had been protecting my lady bits fell to the floor, and my pants defied gravity and stayed up despite being rolled around my upper thighs. Once up, the technicians once again left the room so I could get dressed in private. 

In private? Really?

As I said early on in this tale, I am comfortable with my body enough to expose whatever parts of it the Medically Trained People need to see. I am not embarrassed by it. I understand it is something that needs to be done, and in the grand scheme of things that I have had to do since my diagnosis, getting naked does not register as remotely noteworthy. 

I did, however find my experience on that Tuesday as noteworthy. In their attempts to be polite, to protect my modesty and to make me feel comfortable, the technicians achieved the opposite. Fortunately, I can see the funny side of standing all but naked except for some rolled down knickers and an undone hospital gown. It just seems strange that their approach to nudity, a very British, hush-hush approach to nudity, made me feel more exposed than if I had removed all of my clothes in the first instance. 

It was an approach that ran through the entire department, despite my attempts to be visibly carefree when it came to disrobing. When I attended for my actual treatment, the room was equipped with a modesty screen for changing, which I chose not to use for anything but storing my belongings and hiding my difficulty in doing up my bra due to my failing arm. And yet, I still went through the same convoluted format. I was not asked to remove all my clothes right away, I was asked to remove them one by one. When it came to zapping my ileum, once again, I was asked to keep my knickers on only for them to be rolled down, at which point my nether regions became reacquainted with a piece of the hospital issue blue paper towel. 

I found this episode to be embarrassing too, not because I was naked but because I had a hot flush during the procedure. I hot flush all the time, but hot flushing whilst somebody I do not know is helping me off a flat surface wearing nothing but pants  rolled down to my thighs with a hospital gown round my midriff is an uncomfortable experience. It is exceptionally uncomfortable when several seconds after standing, a damp piece of hospital issue blue paper towel falls to the floor. At least I made my nieces laugh. And my friends.

And with that, this particular lesson ends.


P.S. I made Housemate take a picture of my cleavage tattoo. It probably made him feel uncomfortable, but as you know, I’m down with my naked form. Here it is, nearly naked. It’s only fair that I share it.

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